How to Stay Healthy & Hydrated During the European Summer Heat

Most of us look forward to those long days of European summer when we can spend a lot of time outdoors and soak up the sun. But with summer also come hot days which require a bit of extra attention from our part to make sure we stay properly hydrated and remain healthy.

When we think about summer, we imagine ourselves chilling on the beach, cooling down in the water or lounging under the shade of a tree. Or, if you are like us, walking a lot in hot weather, exploring the city, beaches, and trails. And end the day at the tango party, just because.

Whichever way you choose to spend those long, hot days, make sure you keep a bottle of water nearby at all times. Multiple studies have shown that even mild dehydration is dangerous and can impair our cognitive function.

With that in mind, in this article, I am talking about the first signs of dehydration as well as what to do to prevent dehydration and stay healthy during the sweltering summer days.

How do you know you are mildly dehydrated?

Here are some signs that you are mildly dehydrated and should take action to rehydrate:

  • you feel thirsty
  • you have a headache or feel lightheaded
  • you feel tired or sleepy
  • you go to the toilet less often (or the urine output is decreased)
  • your urine is dark-colored (think: the color of the apple juice or tea)
  • you are constipated

Especially if you travel with kids or elderly parents (or grandparents), make sure to keep an eye on them, as they bodies can’t to the first signs of dehydration. So make sure to remind them often to drink water.

What should you do to ensure you don’t get dehydrated?

It is quite easy to make sure we keep our bodies properly hydrated during the day. Here are some easily actionable tips to keep in mind:

Carry a water bottle

First of all, invest in a reusable water bottle that you actually like (and feel like carrying around with you). Make room for it in your daypack and make sure it’s always filled with water. Keep it on your desk when you work, so that it would nag you to drink the water!

Track your water intake

Make sure to track the water intake. It is easy to overestimate how much water you drink during the day. There are a lot of free apps available and many fitness trackers’ apps also offer this function.

There are also smart water bottles that can track the water intake for you (via an app, connecting to the phone by the use of Bluetooth).

And before you ask, there is no proof behind the 8 cups of water per day advice. There is no rule and it depends on your body and how active you are. During the summer, we may need even twice as much! And don’t forget that being active in hot weather puts even more strain on your body.

Drink water throughout the day

Drink two glasses of water upon waking up. Drink a glass of water about half an hour before your meals, as well as during your meals. Always drink water about half an hour before you start exercising and every 10-20 min as you exercise. Don’t forget that cup of water after you are done with your routine, either.

If you feel that it’s hard to remember, you can also set a reminder on your phone to drink water every hour. Plus, an easy trick is to just rehydrate – drink a cup of water – after you’ve been to the restroom.

When traveling, keep that reusable water bottle handy and take a sip whenever you stop for a bit. Remember that some cities do have public fountains that are perfectly safe to top up the water bottle.

Hate plain water? Worry not, there are healthy ways to make it more…palatable. You may prefer to try flavored water recipes or just put a wedge of lemon (or lime) in the water bottle. Whatever works.

Avoid energy drinks

Packed with sugar and caffeine, energy drinks do the exact opposite of what you want to achieve: they dehydrate you! On top of that, they come with a host of possible side effects, including but not limited to palpitation, tremor, agitation, and shaking.

Eat lots of fruits and veggies

Hot days are perfect to give our body a rest when it comes to digestion. Aim to eat a lot of raw fruits and veggies.
Thankfully, there are a lot of hydrating fruits and vegetables including: cucumbers, eggplant, zucchini, cantaloupe, watermelon, bell pepper, pear, romaine lettuce, pineapple, carrots, mango, apple, grapefruit, strawberries, orange, raspberries, celery, blueberries, baby spinach, grapes, tomato, and kiwi.

Start your day with a salad consisting of romaine lettuce, baby spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, and celery; through the day, enjoy the fruits in season, especially watermelon and cantaloupe.

Compensate for alcoholic drinks with drinking water

Ideally, you should avoid alcohol altogether during the heat; but if you are traveling and want to try that local wine, no one is stopping you. In this case, for each alcoholic drink compensate with a glass of water. This also reduces your chances to get a hangover the next day.

Love coffee? Then learn from the Greeks: drink a cup of water alongside

Yes, coffee is a stimulant and (technically) dehydrates you. No, you don’t have to give it up. But learn from the Greeks: always drink water when you drink coffee. Any tavern or café in Greece will bring a cup of water (or pitcher) to the table when you order coffee.

And by all means, indulge in the famous (and yummy) Greek café frape.

Wear breathable clothing

When you wear clothes that make you sweat too much, you are on a very quick path to dehydration. You want to wear light, breathable clothing, made of natural fabric. And, yes, please avoid dark colors.

Speaking of clothing, don’t stay in the sun without protecting your head! A bandana is a cute idea if you are wearing something casual, while a sun hat is just perfect when you wear a summer dress.

Are you hungry, maybe?

Some people ignore thirst signals for so long that they are chronically dehydrated and may not even know it. To prevent that, when you feel hungry, drink a cup of water. If you are dehydrated rather than hungry, your hunger will go away. If it persists after half an hour, by all means, eat something.

Having allergies?

When someone is dehydrated, the histamine levels increase, creating the perfect conditions for allergies to set in. If you are suddenly sneezing all the time and your eyes itch, reach out for the glass of water first. And if you are like me, never leave home without a pack of antihistamines.

On prescription drugs? Check the side effects

Some drugs may dehydrate you. If you drink enough water but still get the signs of dehydration, it’s time to read the side effects of all the drugs you are taking. If you notice something, talk your health provider to look into alternatives.

Note: this article includes links that may qualify as affiliate links. If you purchase through them, I may earn a small commission.

3 thoughts on “How to Stay Healthy & Hydrated During the European Summer Heat

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