#DoYouIndie Working While Traveling

Nov 25
Working While Traveling

When you can make money while traveling, it’s easier to travel longer and have more of a budget to travel.
Have you ever worked while traveling? What did you do and where? What was your experiences like? How did working while traveling change you?
CHALLENGE: If you haven’t traveled yet, or haven’t worked while traveling, what are 5 ways you would like to make money on the road and why would you like to do them? They can be as real or fantastical as you’d like.
Pick one and tell us one thing you could do today to start this work (Contacting hostels? Starting a website?)

During the two trips I took which lasted 3 weeks each, I have worked a normal work schedule (8h) at my job. I was a travel writer at that time. I absolutely loved working from a different city, in a different environment.

Given that my current job title also allows me to work remotely, I can work to make money while I travel. I am super grateful my job is flexible like this.

Other sources of income (can) include:

  • monetize my blogs
  • sell my photos (I keep an account with 500px)
  • write more books

In my previous travels I’ve been asked to stay in work front desk in a hostel in Austria. So that’s another possibility.

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