9 Things You Should Never Pack for Your Trip

We are firm believers in carry on only travel. We’ve recently got a new backpack and each time we travel we try to pack less and less. I have already explained how I pack light and what I usually bring with me, plus I went into details on how to pack if you travel carry on only.

But I have yet to tell you what, according to me, you should never pack. I really mean never.

More than a pair of shoes

Let’s be honest from the start. If you stay in a hostel and need to use a shared bathroom, you need to pack your flip-flops.

But, in any other case, you really don’t need to pack more than one pair. Honestly, I usually only travel with the pair I am wearing. My shoes are lightweight, all-terrain, and were bought from a specialized store (for those who work out) so they breathe very well. During summer I may also pack some light sandals. They don’t take much space and they are really useful during hot days.

Granted, if hiking is on our minds, I do pack my hiking boots (and I recently got a light pair) since I don’t like to wear them in the train or plane. Or, if I go to a tango event, I do pack my tango shoes.

Bulky Towels

Every single accommodation is going to provide towels, whether included in the price or for a certain fee. Though the latter is valid for some hostels, most often you still get them for free.

There are super light microfiber towels nowadays which don’t take a lot of space and dry up super quickly so you may want to invest in one of these. They are particularly useful when you hike or when you do a lot of backpacking.

An umbrella

Seriously, don’t. They take up space and they are super easy to forget pretty much anywhere. Instead, pack a light weight waterproof jacket .

All your electronics

Bringing the smartphone with you is always a good idea since you do want to keep in touch with loved ones and have a way to ask for help if needed. Also, you may bring a lightweight laptop, especially if you are a blogger (or can work remotely). A power bank is also super useful. Photographers also need their camera gear, which does take a lot of space.

But if you are not a blogger or a photographer, all you need is your smartphone, a lightweight camera and a power bank. You can leave the tablet at home and you should also leave the laptop. After all, you travel to disconnect, right?

And don’t even think to pack stuff like a hair drier, a hair straightener or a coffee machine. Please.

Too many toiletries

You do want to bring the essentials: toothpaste (especially if your dentist recommended a certain one AHEM) and shower gel. And maybe a face cream if your skin is very dry (AHEM again). But that’s all you need. You can pass them through security easily, as long as they are within the recommended weight.

You don’t need a shampoo, the face toner, the eye cream, the hand cream, the body cream…you get my point. You can buy shampoo at your destination if the accommodation doesn’t provide any. And you can get testers for anything else, especially if you like to roam the shops.

Oh and you can get razors at the destination, as well.

Bulky sweaters

When you pack for traveling in a cold climate, always think layers. Sweaters are bulky. With layers, on the other hand, you can put on 2-3 layers and feel warm. Not to mention you have quite a lot of possible outfit combinations.


Leave the expensive jewelry at home. We have silver wedding bands and my engagement ring is also silver. Not only do they not carry anything but emotional value, but they don’t stand out at all, either.

I use a smart band / fitness tracker as wristwatch and the poor thing is so battered already that I don’t even worry it looks fancy or expensive.

Printed guidebooks

Who needs the added weight? Not to mention the lost space in the carry-on. There are a lot of apps out there both for Android and IOS , which offer free travel guides. There are many free walking tour apps as well.

Another idea is to just create your own travel guide using a notes app (such as Evernote). Sync it on your smartphone before you leave home and you can access your notes without the need of an internet connection while you travel.

Printed books

Read this carefully: you can read off your smartphone! There a lot of free apps for Android and you can find a bunch of them for IOS as well.

Note: this post includes links that may be considered affiliate. If you purchase through them I a small comission.

8 thoughts on “9 Things You Should Never Pack for Your Trip

  1. Your shoe advice goes against what pretty much every podiatrist advises. And in hot climates, wearing the same shoes every day – phew! I always figure a spare is worth the space because I get a lot of foot problems,blisters etc.

    Expensive jewellry *eye roll* the one and only time I went on a tour group, one of the women lost a very expensive ring and went nuts blaming the hotel maid. It’d dropped down the back of the cupboard she’d sat it on, but why bring something like that in the first place? If you are going to stress about losing something, leave it at home.

    • Thanks for the comment, Kathryn.

      That’s weird because I never get blisters or smelly feet. My shoes are lightweight and quality and they didn’t even cost that much (they are from a specialized store for those who work out). Not to mention the socks are also high quality 🙂

      For summer, yes, I do bring sandals (when it’s really hot) but the lightweight shoes are really ok on not-hot-days. Like it may be hot in Italy but if you visit Pompeii you cannot go in sandals and not break your ankle! You need a pair of quality shoes.

      I wouldn’t spend my day in my hiking boots though, unless I am on a trail 🙂

      Yes, I agree, never bring anything which you mind losing.(well, except the wedding band, I take that chance since I wear it 24/7)

        • Very sure. It’s called changing the socks and showering haha The first thing I do when I get back to the accommodation is shower.
          And since I have small feet, I always pack extra socks (since they don’t weigh much and can be stashed anywhere!)
          Husband doesn’t have Facebook but we should probably do another “questions & answers” article for the blog haha

  2. Agree on the electronics. Begore the era of smartphones I used to carry my laptop everywhere, ugh.

    I always carry flip flops, other than that I only wear the shoes I have on me. Knly our last trip was a bit of an exception. Between Finland and Morocco you need different kinds of shoes 😂

    Personally I hate reading anything longer than a blog post on my phone, so there’s always one book on me. My boyfriend is the same so between the two of us we carry around 3 books plus whatever he decides to buy on the way.. Lol 😀


    • I used to carry flip flops when I stayed in hostels with shared bathroom and shower but now I am done with those.
      During summer I do pack sandals (they are as light and small as my flip flops anyway).
      I used to read off the tablet but got used to the phone in an effort to really travel lighter.
      I now have a super light laptop but I only carry it if I have to work.

  3. So true especially for umbrellas and towels haha! /regarding jewellery I totally agree for the flashy/ bulky ones but I have to carry at least few to wear and promote my work I may have to consider creating travel friendly ones!!

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