8 FREE things to do in Rome

We have been to Rome two times: both times with a limited budget and in transit. Needless to say, one of my priorities was to find as many free things to do in Rome as possible. Granted, there are a lot of things to do in Rome, so the simple fact of putting your walking…

11 Reasons Why I Love Italy So Much

Yes, I love Italy. It wasn’t love at first sight, though. It was more of a “best friend turned lover” situation for me. My first trip to Italy was in March 2012. A very budget trip, with a super cheap flight we managed to grab from WizzAir. I discovered the olives, cheeses and that I…

My Top 5 Travel Memories

Travel memories…those moments that remain in our hearts for years and which make us warm up when we recall them. I have been traveling independently and without my parents, since I was 19 (so that’s pretty much 12 years already). During those years, a lot of memories started to pile up, which makes it’s quite…

Fishing Demonstration on a Trabucco of Gargano

During our current stay in Puglia, we have been blessed to be able to witness a traditional fishing demonstration on a Trabucco of Gargano. But first, what are these Trabucchi? They are interesting wood structures used for fishing. Wait, but wouldn’t fishermen use boats? Not on the Gargano Coast. Terrorized by the Turkish pirates, the…

Top 7 Reasons to Visit Italy During Winter

Due to its geography, Italy has three climates, which means that the weather in the north is totally different than the one in the south. It also means that no matter what weather you prefer, Italy has it for you. To me, Italy during winter conjures images on walking on the beach in a sweater…